For those of you who have read Al Franken's new book, Lies and the Lying Liars that tell them, there is a scene in there which Rich Lowry, Editor for the National Review, says on C-Span that Democrats are sissies. Well, Al became a bit perturbed so he called up Mr. Lowry and asked him if he wanted to fight. Mr. Lowry was taken aback by Al's challenge and asked Al to call him back tommorrow. So Al did call him back tommorrow to see if Mr. Rich would fight.
So Al called him up and Mr. Rich and Al, both of them in a conciliatory tone, decided to settle it over lunch.
Mr. Lowry, in order to save his face, wrote a column here: which he implies that he would've beat up Al anytime and anywhere. However, to preserve his masculnity (the way he writes, it seems to me that he endorses the idea that politics and culture should be masculinzed ??? whatever the fuck that is? He also feels that true masculinity is when one refrains from violence, which I kind of agree with)I guess some of his conservative friends became furious when they found out that he was associating with "liberals".
Here is what Mr. Rich says about Al:
"And it would have been a decidedly low-risk encounter. Franken stipulated
during his challenge that he was nearly 50 years old and suffered from chronic back pain -- a kind of plea for mercy before we even got started"
I think it is very obvious that Al, although that was probably his condition, was probably just joking and didn't really intend to fight Rich. I guess Rich takes things too seriously. He's a tad bit tense from what his column says to me. Seems like he got a shtick up his ass.
But then again, I guess this is the only thing he can come up with. Sure NewsMax will do some kind of review of the book or whatever crap, but I'm sure they'll find very little. If they cleaned out their own house, maybe they'd find a lot more lies that "veritus".