Title I provides money for schools with disadvantaged students. This is all the more outrageous because they are taking the money from the poorer schools. The private schools here that are benefitting are mostly Christian schools. Where is the outrage!
County School Board must pay to tutor private students.SNIP...."The U.S. Department of Education requires school districts to use part of their Title I dollars to help eligible private school students.
The federal Title I program provides money to public schools with a large percentage of poor students. While private schools can't receive Title I funds directly, they can ask for services such as tutoring to be provided to their students.
That idea is catching on in Polk County.
"We haven't served private schools before last year," said Rhonda Ashley, Title I program manager for the district. "We had two schools last year that showed interest. This year, we had seven."
The schools are all Christian based. They are Eagle Lake Christian School; Faith Christian Academy in Bartow; St. Joseph Catholic School in Winter Haven; and Greater St. Paul School, New Jerusalem Christian Academy, Resurrection Catholic School and Victory Christian Academy, all in Lakeland....."END SNIP
This is a national program. It is happening in your county as well.