Did anyone catch the Lehrer News Hour last night on PBS? I tuned in to catch the discussion on Condi Rice, expecting to see a more or less balanced panel discussion ... pro and con. The guest panelists were Ivo Daalder, who served on the National Security Council staff in the first Clinton term, and is now running a study of the NSC for the Brookings Institution and the University of Maryland; and Richard Clarke, the top-ranking counterterrorism official on the NSC staff until earlier this year.
I didn't know either of these guys, but they seemed to be working together to put a heavy spin on the fact that Rice is now "in charge" of the "Iraq Stabilization Group," and to counter the claim that the operation of the NSC is "dysfunctional" under Rice.
You can read the transcript of the discussion here:
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/white_house/july-dec03/rice_10-13.htmlThe language of BOTH of these guys seemed extremely close to the PNAC talking points, so I did a quick search.
Ivo Daalder
http://www.fpif.org/commentary/2003/0303pnacletter_body.htmlhttp://www.newamericancentury.org/iraqstatement-031903.htmhttp://www.newamericancentury.org/iraqstatement-032803.htmI think these two PNAC letters on Iraq are important, in that they seem to signal a change in the PNAC approach.
"In apparent anticipation of Rumsfeld and other Republican right-wingers wanting to get out of Iraq relatively early, the neoconservatives are recruiting Clinton veterans to press for a longer and more comprehensive U.S. commitment to transforming Iraq and the greater Middle East.
Thus, among the signers who have never before been associated with PNAC, are Robert Asmus, a former deputy secretary of state for Europe;
IVO DAALDER, a prominent member of Clinton's National Security Council staff; Robert Gelbard, a former U.S. ambassador to Chile and Indonesia; Martin Indyk, Clinton's ambassador to Israel; Dennis Ross, his chief adviser on Palestinian-Israeli negotiations; Walter Slocombe, Clinton's top policy official at the Pentagon; and, most important, James Steinberg, Clinton's deputy national security adviser who now heads foreign policy studies at the influential Brookings Institution."
You can see all of the PNAC documents pertaining to Daalder here:
http://makeashorterlink.com/?M1E222436 (forwards you to the page)
Richard Clarke
http://www.pnac.info/blog/archives/000012.htmlhttp://www.icon.co.za/~whyle/archive1.htm"The adherents of the so-called "Wolfowitz cabal," pushing the "Clash of Civilizations" theory, are nothing less than "an enemy within" the United States, a network that cuts across the Defense Department, the State Department, the White House, and the National Security Council. This report is not a "good guys" versus "bad guys" description of the Bush Administration; rather it is a warning that this cabal is a close-knit rogue network that is trying to hijack U.S. policy, and turn the current Afghanistan mess into a global war. The cabal bears a dangerous resemblance to the "secret parallel government" of North and Gen. Richard Secord's "Project Democracy" operation that ran Iran-Contra. In fact, some of the cabal members now in the Bush Administration are convicted criminals as a result of their activity in North's "Enterprise"!"
"Richard Clarke, Adviser to the President for Cyberspace Warfare. Clarke, who was originally with the State Department during the elder Bush's Administration, was demoted for covering up Israeli violations of the Arms Exporting laws. In August 1998, Clarke was one of the key figures who planted false information about Sudan's involvement in the East Africa U.S. Embassy bombings, which led to U.S. cruise missile attacks on a Sudanese pharmaceutical company in Khartoum. Clarke shopped in disinformation from British-Israeli covert operations stringer Yosef Bodansky that targetted Sudan."
They're tag teaming us, and they sound so calm and reasonable.
And if you missed this, this article ... LONG ... must be read by everyone.
The Integration of Theory and Practice: A Program for the New Traditionalist Movement
http://www.freecongress.org/centers/cc/new_tradiitionalist.aspThe article was posted yesterday, in this thread: