I got it this morning. I did call my "representative" and the person answering the phone did not even ask me my name or address. Guess what the probabilities are that they take my request into consideration.
I am going to call Hastert and Delay. Even though Delay reminds me of the "roach man" in men in black...
Dear MoveOn member,
They said it wasn't possible -- that Congress would never roll back
new FCC rules allowing a few big outlets to control our country's
media. But with tens of thousands of phone calls and hundreds of
thousands of emails, we won by 55-40 in the Senate.
Now the campaign to block the FCC's disastrous loosening of media
ownership rules has reached a make-or-break moment in Congress.
Speaker Dennis Hastert and House Majority Leader Tom DeLay have
indicated that they will not allow a final vote on the rule change.
They won't allow it because they know they and their contributors in
the nation's biggest media corporations could lose. But if they don't
allow a vote on this soon, we could lose our chance to roll back the
rule change this year. We need your help.
Your U.S. Representative, has not signed
the crucial letter demanding that House leadership allow a vote on the
Congressional resolution to roll back the FCC rule change. Please
call your representative today at:
Let the staffer you speak with know that you're a constituent, and you
are calling to ask Representative Ryun to sign the letter urging
Speaker Hastert to allow a vote on the resolution of disapproval
regarding the FCC's media ownership rule changes. You may want to add
that by not allowing a vote, the Speaker and Majority Leader are
ignoring the will of the public, the courts and their own colleagues.
(The resolution is SJ Res 17. The letter is sponsored by
Representatives Leach, Price, Markey, Burton, Hinchey and Sanders.)
You also may want to call Speaker Hastert and Majority Leader DeLay.
You can reach them at the phone numbers below:
Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert
(202) 225-0600
Majority Leader Tom DeLay
(202) 225-4000
Tell the staffer you speak to that you want DeLay and Hastert to
allow a vote on the FCC rollback.
Please let us know when the you've made your call at:
http://www.moveon.org/fcccall.html?id=1807-664736-PQNMG3m8ablPEn4Cc9EGIA We've come a long way in the fight for media reform -- further than
most people imagined possible. Now we have to make sure that the
Republican leaders in the House don't hijack this process. Please
call today.
--Eli Pariser
October 14th, 2003