Here's today's crazy conspiracy theory, brought to you by the people at BushCo, Sewing the Seeds of Trust Through Lies(TM).
The Bushista Court plays along and tosses a bone to the left, thereby "proving" it is not aligned with the Bush WH -- it rules that "God" must come out of the pledge. The trouble is, something like 98% of Americans already voiced their outrage that this was liberal hatred of religion and it started a huge national debate. Remember? It wasn't that long ago.
So, the SCOTUS manages to throw the Bushistas a sweet honey-dripping campaign issue, while at the same time appearing to demonstrate it's non-partisanship, thereby robbing the dems of their arguments that the court is a rubber stamp for BushCo's right-wing agenda. Meanwhile, the country erupts into hellfire and damnation and the hatred is ratcheded up a notch as them damn liberals are blamed for bringing about godless blah blah blah blah and the downfall of America. (Oh, the irony!)
This isn't good, and I'm afraid it is very likely. Be afraid...sometimes what you want isn't really what you want.