.....the summery much less Al's remarks? :shrug:
You might have found he
agrees with you! :)
Updated Tuesday October 14, 2003
Gore talks about technological securityThe relentless drive for more intrusive technology to help improve security may result in a society that is less secure, former Vice President Al Gore warned today at the Carnahan Conference on Security Technology in Taipei.
"Sometimes there is a relentless push to acquire more information, and very little attention is given to how information already available is used," Gore said. "We should spend our time on enhancing and improving systems available for dealing with that information."
If information-gathering becomes too intrusive, these technologies may undermine the very freedoms they were intended to protect, Gore said. Governments need to strike a balance between protecting the privacy of citizens and allowing discretionary access to information that may provide evidence of terrorist plots or crimes.
"If we lose our freedom in the process of protecting ourselves, we are less secure, not more secure," Gore said.
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