After giving great consideration to Mr. Limbaugh's status and his presence on Armed Forces Radio, I wrote to American Forces Radio and Television Service (do a Google search on that string) asking they drop El Rushbo. This is the response:
Jim.......thanks for taking the time to write us. We rely heavily on audience comments\feedback to aide us in determining future scheduling and to gauge how we are doing. I have forwarded your comments on future scheduling to our programming directorate for review and consideration.
Also, to provide you with a little background, Rush Limbaugh currently provides his show to us free. We carry the program because it's popular. American audiences make Rush popular. If another national talk show becomes more popular, we'll carry it but, that decision rests with the marketplace.
Additionally, at this time, there are no criminal judgments or FCC rulings against Rush Limbaugh that would make us consider dropping his program from the AFN schedule. And, the fact is, we do not censor. We provide a touch of home by offering a variety and we let the viewer decide his/her favorite entertainment source , via AFN radio and TV, that reflects America. We leave the control to our viewers in the form of the on/off button on their set.
Thanks for your comments and interest in AFRTS.
MSG Mark D. Smith Affiliate Relations AFRTS Broadcast Center (California)