All right...before y'all jump on me...I have to say this...Boortz and I disagree on economic policy almost constantly. I enjoy his show for a REASON. He is an equal-opportunity offender, and I have heard hm pile on Dubya, the Repukes, and I ESPECIALLY love it when he dumps on the Christian Coalition types. I've heard him do it!!
He comes out with stuff against the Repukes that the true shills like Limbaugh would NEVER tell you.
Granted, most of his crap is directed at Democrats and liberals...and I hate that...but, damn, when he gets going on Dubya, the Repukes, or the Christian Coalition...God I LOVE it!!
For the record...Boortz has come out in favor of striking "under God" from the Pledge...came out in favor of removing Judge Moore's granite tablet of the Ten Commandments from that Alambama courthouse...and has ripped on Dubya too many times to count.
I agree with maybe 30% of what he says...but hey, he's still entertaining...and keeps me informed as to what the other side is up to!
Maybe the person you started this thread talking about is doing what I do...listening to these guys to find out what the other side is up to...what they are thinking...so we can best strategize how to beat their asses in 2004!!