I thought discussion of this letter to the editor fit in GD more than in Ed.
http://www.thevictoriaadvocate.com/opinion/letters/story/1419664p-1671715c.htmlEditor, the Advocate:
This letter is to the offended souls who seem to be unable to handle pointed, meaty, accurate wording in these letters, people who cringe when truth is highlighted in a strong manner.
I realize there is a lot of pressure in the popular culture that says we must all just get along no matter what. That to call somebody out in a pointed way is nearly criminal. Then to actually label a person, even accurately, is over the line. The pressure is pervasive in our culture to adopt this approach of feelings first and logical thought last. It's sometimes subtle, sometimes direct, but always in the mix.
Don't fall for this, Mr. Welton and clones, because there's something far more important than not hurting feelings or not labeling someone - and that is truth and accuracy - especially biblical truth and accuracy.
People here seem to feel that the Bible entitles them to mean-spiritedness and name calling. When they cannot advance an argument based on fact or logic or critical thinking skills, they resort to petty insults, trying to justify it in Jesus' name. The minister they are dogging is mine, the one that wrote the letter to the editor endorsing Harry Potter and questioning authority.
Blech. Damn sheep.
Can't easily move. My husband's job is here and my children are doing well in school here.