, 9/9/03
Reviewer: Abdel
Many posters on this site advocate extreme violence against Arabs, Muslims and Islam. Is this legal? Has the FBI/Law Enforcement investigated these posters? Does the Free Republic web-master condone this? Aren't there hate laws against this?
Move along; nothing to see here, 9/2/03
Reviewer: Mike
This train wreck of a web site has managed to piss almost any true conservative off by their obeisance to the Rush Limbaugh neocon philosphy and their rabid cadre of spitting neonazis who hate just about anything not associated with guns, cross tattoos,and worship of GW Bush. While true conservatives find much to dislike about the current president, I get the feeling even mentioning his opponent received more votes is grounds for banning. Unless you enjoy poking sticks at caged animals or teasing leashed dogs, avoid this site as any true conservative thought made its exit from here, as it did the Republican party, around November of 2000.
Free Republic has went into a decline, 8/31/03
Reviewer: Jimmy
A once great site that has banned most of its intelligent posters because they were unwilling to kiss Bush's tush like the other retarded bushbots on that site. Full of zionist freaks who seem to think that the purpose of America is to financially and militarily support support Israel unconditionally. The freeptards give true conservatives a bad name.
Rocco - agree with you +, 8/31/03
Reviewer: TSJ
The poster called Rocco doesn't know the half of it when it comes to the FR zionazis. I've been a registered freeper for a couple of years now, and this gang has just about ruined the place with their spew. I've been sharing freepmails with a large number of other long-time conservative freepers who are disgusted with the zionazis. Several have even told me of forwarding zionazi postings to the FBI and Secret Service due to their threatening nature. I remember in early 2002, one FR zionazi nut called for killing Colin Powell because he dared to meet with the Palestinians. If JimRob were smart he'd ban the lot of them before they drive all the decent cons away, but a former FR mod told me that they're heavy contributors, so he gives them run of the place.
The Website Free Republic is pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel., 8/31/03
Reviewer: Yonif Nachum Yehuda
The redneck Americans on Free Republic are very very jealous of the Israeli people and say many bad things about Jews and Zionism. As an American in Israel, I cannot abide this. It is abhorrent. Israel is the most important place in the world bar none. Although Israeli's make up a mere .0087% of the worlds population, the Israeli people deserve %100 of American attention and money. After all, we ARE the chosen people. Do not forget that! But the people at Free Republic have forgotten this. They keep talking about silly issues like gun-control or George Bush and such, sometimes completely forgetting to mention Israel. It is so terrible. For this reason I can only give Free Republic one Star of David. P.S. I want to give a shout out to my girls..SJackson, adam_az, and Alouette.
tin-foil hat conspiracy-minded christian fundamentalist boobs, 8/31/03
Reviewer: paul
I used to read this site but it has become a miserable collection of low-end christian fundamentalist bigots, neocon mouth-frothers and slop-browed, slack-jawed drooling idiots wallowing in a morass of mind-numbing ignorance and "we're number one!" boosterism. Lots of self-pitying stuff about not being allowed to beat up 'queers' mingled along witn incoherent ramblings about how 'moral' they all are. Sad