MoveOn email:
Something incredible is happening. Just a week ago, it appeared that President Bush would get $87 billion for the Iraq war and occupation in a landslide vote. But thanks to hundreds of thousands of emails, tens of thousands of calls, and constituent visits by thousands of Americans, more and more members of the House and Senate are declaring that they will vote No.
This is big news. It appears that members of Congress are standing up and demanding that the President face the facts and make real changes to his Iraq policy. Members of Congress need to know that if they take a leap of faith here and do the right thing, we'll be behind them. With the vote scheduled for tomorrow in the House and Friday in the Senate, it's critical that they hear from us TODAY.
Over the next 48 hours, we're working with Working Assets and True Majority to deliver a flood of phone calls and emails to Congress telling them to take a stand. Please take a moment to call your Representative and both your Senators right now. Let them know that you expect them to vote AGAINST Bush's additional $87 billion request for Iraq.
Then please ask your friends and colleagues to make calls too.
Over the weekend, Senator John Kerry announced he's inclined to vote against the request. Yesterday, Senator John Edwards declared in strong language that he will also vote no: "This mission will never be successful unless the president dramatically changes course." Even Senate and House leaders Tom Daschle and Nancy Pelosi have signaled that they may well vote against the bill.
President Bush and Republican leaders are trying to portray the $87 billion package as the only way to help the troops in Iraq. But it's the President's failed policies that put the troops in harm's way, and it's the President's refusal to work with the UN that keeps them there. It's time for Congress to draw a line in the sand and tell the President that for our national security, the safety of the troops, and the stability of the Middle East, he must change course. A strong vote against the $87 billion will demonstrate just that.
Please make your call today. This is a critical vote. With your help, Congress can tell the President that without a plan, without working with the UN, without firing the staff responsible for the mess in Iraq, his $87 billion proposal is just no good.
As of now,
website says they've reached 25.5% of their goal... I even called my Republican Senator and Rep., who I usually skip....