It was something that I found to be brilliant. If you'll check the thread on DU about the speech, most people liked it.
I liked that it was pragmatic in addressing national ability to respond to crisis, powerful as a theme, visionary for the future of this country, and attacks Bush's ace in the hole. If he had come out with something I disliked, I might have to start looking for a new candidate, just like I switched from Dean to Clark. I would switch again if the need arose.
On a personal level, I judge it a success if it firms up my commitment in Clark, and confirms my faith in him. And a failure if it did the opposite, which is possible, since I have faith in Clark but I don't believe in blind faith. No matter what the Stop Clark Brigade keeps saying, Clark supporters are not lemmings blinded by four stars. We support him out of a principled, reasoned decision. Of course, the rabid anti-clarkers will never acknowledge that. Much easier to paint us as non-thinking militants blinded by four shiny stars. We've put just as much effort into choosing our guy as they do in theirs, but anyone who disagrees with them is obviously blinded, ignorant, and not thinking right. :eyes: