Congress is Voting on More Funding for Iraq War
Opposition is Growing, Make Your Voice Heard Now
Even if You've Already Taken Action
100,000 Messages to Congress Planned in Next 48 Hours
Dear xxxxx,
Please excuse the absence of our usual graphics on this alert,
but matters are moving so quickly we only had time to do this
with plain text.
Earlier, it looked like President Bush would get a landslide
vote for his $87 billion Iraq war legislation. But TrueMajority,
MoveOn, Working Assets and other activist organizations
flooded Congress with faxes, e-mails, phone calls and personal visits.
Feeling that citizen pressure, more Members of Congress than
anyone imagined have declared their intention to vote NO on
the blank check. We need to show them Americans support
their standing up to the President, and encourage others
that it's right to join the opposition.
The votes are now scheduled for Thursday (as in tomorrow) in
the House and Friday in the Senate.
TrueMajority, together with our sister online organizations,
is asking our members to send one last message* to Congress:
vote no on the quagmire bill. Congress should allocate
more funds only after the President properly involves the
United Nations in rebuilding Iraq and fires the national
security team that got America into this quagmire.
Among us, we're committed to delivering 100,000 calls, emails,
and faxes to Congress in the next 48 hours.
Even if you have already taken action on this issue, please
take a few moments to send this last minute message. Then
please ask your friends and colleagues to take this action too.
To tell your Representatives that they should vote against the
quagmire bill at: thanks,
* In order to deliver the tens of thousands of messages we
anticipate in this really tight timeframe, we'll send all of
these as e-mails -- not as slower faxes -- so they will arrive
before the vote.
Here is the Letter we'll send to your Senators and House Members:
Dear Senator/Representative:
Please vote no on the President's $87 billion request for the Iraq War.
President Bush needs to hear Congress should allocate more funds
only after the President properly involves the United Nations
in rebuilding Iraq and fires the national security team that got
America into this quagmire.
I ask you to oppose this bill now and then to work for reasonable
reforms before approving this money.
(We'll add your name and address here)