Posted on Thu, Oct. 16, 2003
BRIAN LAMBERT: Drugs, lawsuits and meltdowns good for Franken
Media Critic
For his appearance on MPR's "Prairie Home Companion" on Saturday, Al Franken says he's working on a sketch called "Rush Limbaugh at a 12-Step Meeting." For professional satirist Franken, who's in town this week promoting his latest book, life doesn't get much better than it is right now. Every day seems to drop another supernaturally sweet dollop of nectar onto his tongue.
First, Bill O'Reilly melted down and demanded that Fox News sue Franken — for something, anything, no matter how absurd. That staggering miscalculation sent sales of Franken's latest book into the stratosphere.
Then O'Reilly popped up again last week, fulminating about Franken and the lawsuit like a delusional paranoid on NPR's "Fresh Air" with Terry Gross.
And now Limbaugh, the thrice-married, childless avatar of family values has been outed for an addiction to OxyContin (aka Hillbilly Heroin), among a variety of other drugs, which he purchased by the thousands illegally, thereby pumping God-knows-how-much cash into south Florida's street crime culture. If you made this stuff up, you'd be accused of smoking crack.