Freshly Censored Hell Is This?
Keeping up with the Junta's Latest Atrocities... and the Mainstream Media's Enabling Thereof
By Tamara Baker
Wednesday, March 21, 2001 -- SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA (APJP) -- The biggest problem with documenting all of the atrocities committed by the illegal junta currently squatting in the White House is simply where to begin. One person cannot cover it all. Every new day brings up some new tidbit of corruption or incompetence that makes one, after a time, resort to using Dorothy Parker's old telephone greeting: "What fresh hell is this?"
Some progressive commentators have alleged that the mainstream press ran interference for Shrub over the past two years on the idea that once he was elected, his corrupt administration would provide factually-based and ratings-rich scandal-a-minute fodder. Unlike with the Clinton Administration, where the press and the RNC had to work very hard to create scandal where none existed (quick: How many Whitewater convictions did Kenny Starr get?), the Bushies had dozens of ready-made scandals of all varieties, just ripe for the plucking by a scandal-hungry press.
There are some problems with this scenario:
First off, George W. Bush did not win the election. Not only did he lose the popular vote by over half a million ballots, it is becoming increasingly clear, through both the results of the Florida media recounts and the stellar reporting of Gregory Palast, that he didn't win the electoral-college vote, either. It was only through the skullduggery of the Scalia Five that his nannies were able to steal the White House for him.
Second off, the media, far from digging into the fraudulent Usurper Boy and his minders, has been going out of their way to prop him up. Since he can't open his mouth without embarrassing either himself or his cabinet members, the press has instead settled for virtually ignoring all but a fraction of his actions, preferring instead to build him up by continuing to trash the memory of his predecessor.