In 1994, early in the Whitewater controversy, Rachel Abrams (wife of Elliott Abrams who pled guilty to misleading congress in the Iran Contra mess) "wrote an article in The Wahington Times, in which she laid out the neoconservatives' vindictive hatreds:
'I know something about Bill and Hillary Clinton right now. I know how their stomachs churn, how their anxiety mounts, how their worry over their defenseless child increases. I know their inability to sleep at night and their reluctance to rise in the morning. I know every new incursion of doubt, every heartbreak over bailing friends, every sting and bite the press gives, every jaw-clenching look at front-page photographs of ... the special prosecutor. I know all this, and the thought of it makes me happy. Yet complete contentment remains just out of reach. The pleasure I take in the suffering of the Clintons isn't full, for it is clear that there is more in sotre for them, and I feel strongly that they haven't suffered enough. . . . I will be even happier as this unfolds. More important for me is the sense that until now the president and his first lady have been rather too alone in their troubles, that there are others who, worms that they are, should be squirming now with discomfort and embarrassment, and have only just begun to do so. . . . What really counts about them, what binds them to one another and sets them apart from the hoi polloi, is their membership in the educated, left-leaning, affluent professional class. These are the lawyers, the columnists and editorialists, the reporters, the legislators and the executives, the aristocrats of "idealism."'
(From The Clinton Wars.)
When they tell you we give as good as we get, ask them to show you one thing by a Dem with one tenth as much evil hatred as this.
Turns my stomach.