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A new website exposing tactics of the right wing extremists

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chookie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-16-03 10:02 PM
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A new website exposing tactics of the right wing extremists
Edited on Thu Oct-16-03 10:04 PM by chookie seeks to expose the right wing through investigations and opposition research. He ran the Mondale campaign, and is a veteran Democratic political consultant

"What I wanted was a site to report information on the Right’s activities and to promote an organization of people across the country -– and we’re in the process of identifying at least one coordinator in each state, who would help us investigate specific activities being planned by the right in the 2004 campaign cycle. Our people are experienced politicians who understand the Right very well in their home state.

We have compiled the names of many right-wing groups and their leadership. We also intend to out Bush officials and Republican members of the House and Senate who are allies of these groups -- in some cases controlling their activities. Starting in late November we will begin to post this information, by State, on "

from the site:

"NEW! White House Press Kiss Ass of the Month Award

The October award goes to Deb Orin of the New York Post who dutifully prints the Rove talking points everyday. Please contact us Ms. Orin so we can send you a new set of kneepads. Congratulations!

- BB.c Exclusive Bush operatives attempt to dig dirt up on Kerry in Idaho.   STATUS...ongoing

- BB.c Exclusive Ashecroft Ties to Missouri Right Wing Groups, and Reports of the Attorney General's Racist and Anti-Semetic Statements.   STATUS...ongoing

- NEW! BB.c Investigation of Richard Scaife and Illegal Money Contributions to Right Wing   STATUS...ongoing

- NEW! BB.c Investigates Bush Contributors That Owe Back Taxes to be Revealed   STATUS...ongoing

- BB.c Exclusive In South Carolina BB.c attorneys preparing papers to take to S.C. courts in January   STATUS...Court Preperation
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DulceDecorum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-16-03 10:09 PM
Response to Original message
1. Chookie
I think I love you.
Thank you SO MUCH for posting that.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the trampling of the trolls...
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Clete Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-16-03 10:11 PM
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2. A goldmine among all the coal.
Thanks. It's a keeper.
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arcane1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-16-03 10:13 PM
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3. sweet!
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RandomKoolzip Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-16-03 10:17 PM
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4. Wow, what a find.
I'm e-mailing this address to all my friends..Thank you chookie!
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silverweb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-16-03 10:22 PM
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5. Beautiful!
Thanks, chookie!

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Melinda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-16-03 10:25 PM
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6. OMG! To paraphrase Ahnuld...'It's like I'm c*mming and c*mming'!!
Sweeeet news, thanks!!!!!!! :loveya:
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peacetalksforall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-16-03 10:30 PM
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7. A site like this is needed...but
talking about kneepads on DU is one thing, it shouldn't be used on a website with a missions as important as he/they have chosen. They should state with straight arrow facts. There is more to the truth, then the slur.

I happen to dismiss every word that comes out of her mouth. But, talking about kneepads is stooping as low as the right wing did for ten years.
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union_maid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-16-03 10:31 PM
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8. Thank you!!!
Great find. If it's a quiet day at work tomorrow, I know what I'm going to be reading.
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