I had to share this rant from another board. I couldn't have said the same thing any better.
I watched on Cspan early this morning as I was getting ready for work in the House rules committee as they were discussing the 87 billion dollars that is going to be handed over to Bush for this so-called War.
I watched as, amendment after amendment, offered by the democrats in this committee were blocked by Republicans. Dems asked for answers about Halliburton and Bechtel and aid for troops since their income has been cut. They were blocked by the Nine Republicans on this committee when they questioned amendments regarding contracts with no-bid deals.
Amendment after amendment by the democratic party protecting the interest of service men and women and tax payers here at home were blocked by the Republican party, as if they were trivial...
Drier the chairman kept bringing up the Cubs game ... We have people who are dying over in Iraq every day, and he kept on citing the damn baseball game scores. In the very least his actions were disrespectful...
You want to know why so many people now oppose this War? It is obvious to more and more Americans every day, that it does not matter what the people want. Bush and this Republican party are going to do whatever the hell they want to. No matter how many people in this country lose their jobs, and their lives... By God Bush is going to get his Oil..
I am sick to my stomach over the callous behavior of the Bush Administration and the disregard the Republican party has for the people in this country. They need to realize that without us they would not have the power that they have. It's OUR VOTE that puts them in the position where they are. They have to answer to US for everything they do...
Bush Lied to the World, and now we have young men and women dying in Iraq. Bush is still lying and we have the worst economy this country has seen in fifty years...
The money already spent by Bush and his buddies is just plainly being dismissed as if it were not important with no accounting of where it went, and this is being supported by the Republicans in both houses.
WHY!!!!! we have the right to know where 79 Billion dollars of OUR MONEY!!! went and they have the obligation to tell us that. Now Bush wants 87 Billion more, with no explanation.....
If a democrat pulled this kind of a stunt, he would have already been impeached. We must have accountabilty, for the loss of life, the loss of stability in this country, the loss of our diplomatic relations with other countries. In times of crisis such as this I want answers to legitimate questions being asked regarding the Iraq War, and I sure as hell don't care about the score of the freakin' Cubs Game!!!
It's the end of the World as we Know it, and I feel Fine