What looks like a setback for Bush really isn't. But it is a smart, calculated maneuver to lock of the solid Republican base in the red states and maybe even add to their numbers in the blue states. Look at the Repugs and Dems who are defying Bush on the so-called "issue" of loan vs grant. They are the ones who have a traditional strong conservative base generally against all kinds of foreign aid and certainly against government spending...but it is just enough of them to not be enough to keep the bill from passing. When the dust settles, those opposing will say that they fought hard to keep from recklessly giving away taxpayer dollars but in the end, they voted for it becuase money for our troops was involved. (somebody please calculate the actual cost of paying hazardous duty pay to the number of our military in Iraq entitled to that pay. I bet dollars to donoughts that it is less than 1/3 of $67 billion they say is going for our soldiers).
In the end, Bush gets what he wants, the folks like Graham will be able to say to their constituents that they still stand for fiscal responsibility and tried to do what was best for taxpayers so you can trust us and re-elect us. The Dems who are sticking with Bush because they are afraid not to will be villified by their base and the Repugs will not give them credit for supporting the President so they will lose no matter what. I have to hand it to them...The RWing thugs are brilliant...and the sheeple are...well, 'sheeple.'