half way down the column:
Flood of Calls Flows Backward, a liberal fundraising and lobbying group, found new targets this week: House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) and Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.). The Internet-based group is instructing members to flood the lawmakers' offices with phone calls urging them to allow a House vote on a bill to overturn the Federal Communications Commission's decision.....(edited for copyright)
DeLay's aides retaliated, showing they can give as good as they get. While they.......registered the callers, they then forwarded the calls to the cell phone of's campaign director, Eli Pariser.
Pariser said he complained to DeLay's aides, but they ...... thought he wasn't too inconvenienced. Stuart Roy, DeLay's spokesman.......(edited for copyright), "It was a fairly pathetic effort on their part in terms of volume."END SNIP
If it was a pathetic effort, then shame on us. I know there was little response here to a couple of posts. If it was NOT a pathetic response.....then MoveOn needs to answer. I frankly think this is sure sounds like it to me.
I will not post on their forum, as name, job, and city is required. I can not do that. I do the activism, but I can never contact them.