This is really great. Have a look at an excerpt from this Yahoo article:
"A bipartisan coalition of moderate senators, saying that American taxpayers should not bear the entire burden of rebuilding Iraq, prevailed against strong administration opposition in a 51-to-47 vote Thursday evening. Their amendment approved shortly after Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web sites) failed to bring wavering senators in line through a round of phone calls would require half of the $20.3 billion in reconstruction aid to be a loan to Iraq, unless the administration persuaded other countries to forgive 90 percent of Iraq's existing debt.
Sponsors of the amendment said that by linking the loan to a forgiveness of Iraq's foreign debt, they hoped to provide an incentive for the administration and other countries to reduce Iraq's burden of payments. The amendment essentially says that if other countries forgive Iraq's debt, the United States will forgive repayment of the $10 billion. " is basically the Senate waving a $10 billion carrot in front of the administration's face. The administration has been trying to convince other countries to forgive Iraq's $150 to 200 billion debt for a long time (because the less debt Iraq has, the cheaper US oil companies can buy oil from them). However, the administration hasn't wanted it bad enough that they would actually hand over any kind of power to the UN in order to get the debt forgiven. They still think that as long as they have the oil, they have the leverage. They'd rather hold onto control of it than give up control and take their chances competing with other countries over cheaper wholesale (is that the word?) prices on the open market.
However, this adds onto the money that Iraq owes its debtors, which will decrease the profit margin of Bush's buddies, AND, on the positive side, increase the incentive of the administration to STRIKE A DEAL WITH THE UN.
This is genius. It's a very subtle, but substantial, victory for the Democrats (and moderate Republicans- no "repukes" there).
Edited for terminology.