The guy who wrote this is not a lefty, that's for sure (not the peak of journalism, but... it means that the story is getting into the right wing media). -C
"CHAD THIS!! We post a story on ROGER’S News yesterday about successful Recall balloting up in LA County. This one of six counties that did the vote with punch card ballots. ACLU said this punch card stuff would disenfranchise and screw the vote and wouldn’t entertain voters inasmuch as there was no video screen involved. Story was that vote went off without a chad.
The story:,1,1375094.story?coll=la-headlines-california Course this is lousy news for Help America Vote folks who demand that the entire nation vote with some kinda electronic equipment that worried folks call “Black Boxes.” And vendors of these gizmos ain’t happy about the LA vote either. They got like a hunnerd billion dollars in Black Box contracts already in the bank. (and most of those vendors are big campaign givers, thank you very much).
Which leads us to update y’all on the situation in CA. As reported previous, Secretary of State Kevin Shelley had set October 9th as a meeting date for his Black Box security certification panel. The guys were gonna sit down and kinda check and see if all the vote equipment in CA would keep out folks who wanted to fudge the vote. (as ROGER sez, the 18 year old computer nerd who wants Mumia to be Governor) Meeting didn’t happen.
Hummm!! Turns out, according to ROGER sources, that meeting had to be scraped because Diebold wasn’t ready. Diebold makes the Black Boxes that a lot of CA counties have contracted for (including San Diego county). Diebold wasn’t ready to make the case that it’s Boxes are fraud proof. Couldn’t produce the “our gizmos are fraud proof,” evidence.
ROGER further learns that Diebold is chasing a clock on getting it’s stuff certified safe and fraud proof. SD county signed a Diebold deal that protects county taxpayers. If the Diebold equipment isn’t certified by November 7th, then the firm must PAY for our March 2004 punch card balloting.
We said it afore and bears repeat…folks down at County Admin are smarter than your average bear!!"