Just when I thought the wingnut universe was finite, here's one I never heard of before, ripping Libs, specifically Hollywood Libs and CLINTON, to pieces. Every sentence is outrageous, too many to transcribe, but a sampler: That the power and money of Hollywood Libs/Rob REINER, are behind Howard DEAN's leap from obscurity to leading the pack. Sez that despite H'wood being SO Left, all the movie stars who run for office are Repukes, and mostly action heroes (GRANDY, BONO, haha). That H'wood Libs would have a hard time coming up with Lib action heroes, Babs as "Wonder Yenta or Yentl". Every 4th sentence is a slam at CLINTON and the next one is adulation for Ahhhnuld.
He's a "constitutional law professor" in Southern California and was a keyboardist for The Temptations. The wingnuts are inexhaustible.
http://www.newsmax.com/pundits/bios/Hirsen-bio.shtml.... Sought after for his expertise on current events and cultural matters, Hirsen has appeared on the O’Reilly Factor, Weekend Live with Tony Snow, Scarborough Country, CNN’s People in the News, Fox and Friends, ABC’s Politically Incorrect and numerous other television programs.
He is also a frequent guest on radio shows across the country including Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, Bob Grant, Mancow Muller, G. Gordon Liddy, George Putnam, Jim Quinn, Al Rantel, Dennis Prager, Janet Parshall, Michael Reagan, Roger Hedgecock and Mark Larson. In addition, he hosts his own daily radio program on a nationally syndicated network.
Hirsen is a pundit for NewsMax.com and author of the popular weekly column, “The Left Coast Report,” where he regularly brandishes his satirical six-shooter and aims it straight at the politics of Hollywood. ....
Hirsen teaches law at both Trinity Law School and Biola University in Southern California. He is admitted to practice in the California and Washington, D.C. Bar Associations as well as the U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. Court of International Trade. ....