Let's face it the guy has a LOT of the "it " factor. I like him. But campaigns are freaky-deeky thigs. If this whole thing was easy to figure out, John Kerry would be unstoppable. So would Edwards. Even Dennis Kucinich. Patriots all, democrats all, campaigners all. WHAT is so different about Wesley Clark?
Easy, dudes. Its like Howard Dean. It's the "X" factor. Something: we don't know what, we don't know how, something resonates.
So what happens to leaders in any political gambit?
They get attacked. Long. Hard. Often. It's trial by fire, and they had better be damn prepared to hold their own against this onslaught, else we find that they don't have what stuff it takes to be president, a job no one in their right mind would want, yet everybody covets.
I hope he makes it through, I pull for him while doing for my own guy, because this is the process. I ilke him, and I think a lot of his people would be in my campaign if he weren't there.....but there he is.
So, whail away detractors, we'll just see how your attacks resonate, be it waffling charges, be it non specific loayalty charges,and whatever else the paid moles feed us to devour each other.
Remember what is at stake, no matter what. No matter who. It is nothing less than the future of our country and we better damn well recognize THAT and realize that all this internecine shit is realy really reductable,and that at heart we are all still democrats. That we all fondly wish the same thing.