A few months before the 2000 election the Pioneer Press had totally gone over to the darkside and even though I was a third generation subscriber, my kids delivered the darn thing until they broke the union in the late 1980's we stopped getting it. I wrote a letter to the editor blasting him that he was not printing the truth about the people around Bush or what people needed to know to make informed decisions. Also that he was not rich enough to excape the coming market crashes, pension grabs etc. He surprised me by writing a personal message back saying basically "What me worry?". However when I tried to email him back I was blocked. They hired a new editor this year of Native American and European ancestry who had served in the military, he said. He seems to have some pet issues and more stories are making it into the pages but not enough to wake up Minnesotan's who all appear to be on drugs and unable to thinks straight any longer. (I read the Sunday paper at my Mom's in case they accidently become a "news"paper again.)
Anyway I couldn't do without my sale ads, coupons,TV guide and my local news fix so we take the weekend Strib and read details during the week online.:dunce: