12, 2002
Kucinich: How to Avoid War With Iraq
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Prior to 1998, the United Nations made much progress in weapons inspections and assured Iraq had no usable capacity for the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction or the ability to deliver such weapons. The UN did so despite a lack of cooperation from the United States in some cases and interference in others. The United States simultaneously pushed for inspections and advanced covert action to try to kill Saddam Hussein.
Since 1998 no credible intelligence has been brought forward which suggests that Iraq is manufacturing weapons of mass destruction or has developed capabilities for delivery of such weapons.
* * * 19, 2002
Statement of Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich
Unilateral military action by the United States against Iraq is unjustified, unwarranted and illegal. The Administration has failed to make that case that Iraq poses an imminent or immediate threat to the United States. There is no credible evidence linking Iraq to 9/11. There is no credible evidence linking Iraq to Al-Queda. Nor is there any credible evidence of Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction, their capability, or their intent to deliver such weapons.
* * * 19, 2002
Kucinich: Time For Administration To Show its Evidence
It is time for the Administration to end its war rhetoric and present evidence to justify their claims that Iraq has usable weapons of mass destruction, stated Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) today.
Kucinich, Ranking Member of the House Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Veterans Affairs and International Relations issued the following statement:
"Thus far, the Administration has failed to show any evidence of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs to the U.S. Congress, to the inspectors at the United Nations (UN), or to the American people.
"Any information the Administration has that counters the Iraqi disclosure should be provided to the United Nations immediately. Iraq has made its disclosure and now is the appropriate time for the Administration to present its evidence.
"Any intelligence information that the Administration may have can only assist the United Nation Monitoring Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in filling the 'gaps and omissions' that the Administration claims are in the Iraqi report to the UN. In doing so, the Administration can only assist the UN weapons inspectors disarm Iraq, which it claims it is committed to doing.
"If the Administration plans to preempt the UN weapons inspections process, and begin a war early next year, as recent news reports have indicated, then they owe it to the UN and the American people to present evidence to justify a war. Despite their recent increase in rhetoric and 'war talk', the fact remains that to this date they have not provided evidence for a war.", January 24, 2003
Kucinich: War is a Failure of Diplomacy
Despite Lack of Evidence And International Opposition Administration Continues March To War
The Administration has continued its rush to war, even without producing any evidence that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.
“Currently in Iraq, UN weapon inspectors are conducting the most exhaustive and expansive weapons inspections in its history and have found no ‘smoking gun’ proof that the Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. The Administration’s accelerated rhetoric and massive troop build-up serves no purpose except to impede the work of UN weapons inspectors.
“If the Administration continues down the path to war without proof and without the support of the international community, our nation will have the historic burden of committing a violation of international law, marking the United States, a nation whose people have traditionally defended democracy, as aggressors. We would then forfeit any moral high ground we could hope to hold.
* * *, January 27, 2003
Kucinich: No Case For War Against Iraq
Report To The United Nations Shows No ‘Smoking Gun’
Administration Must Stop Rush To War And Allow UN To Disarm Iraq
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If the Administration has information that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction, the right thing to do would be to share information with the UN.
* * *, February 12, 2003
Kucinich Uses House Procedure To Demand Evidence of Iraqi Threat
Files Resolution of Inquiry To Demand Documents From The Administration On Iraq’s Alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction
The Administration has marched the nation to the verge of a historic preemptive war, despite a lack of evidence that Iraq has useable weapons of mass destruction or proof that Iraq poses an imminent threat to our country. Today, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) filed a Resolution of Inquiry, in the House, to demand that the Administration give to Congress Iraq’s declaration to the United Nations of December 7, 2002.
“While this Administration is ready to send our nation, and the world, to war, it has refused to provide this Congress, or the American people, any proof of that Iraq is an imminent threat,” stated Kucinich, who leads opposition in the House to the war in Iraq. “Today’s resolution is the first of several that will be filed to obtain from this Administration any evidence it has about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. It is indefensible that this Administration is pushing our nation to verge of war, putting our nation at greater risk of a terrorist attack, without providing proper evidence to the Congress or the American people.”
In the weeks to come, Kucinich is expected to offer more Resolutions of Inquiry to demand that the Administration lives up to its duty, to Congress and the American people, to fully disclose any or all information it has on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction., March 11, 2003
Kucinich Forces Administration To Disclose Iraq Document to Congress
Administration Forced To Turn Over Documentation On Iraq Due to Kucinich Resolution of Inquiry
The Administration was forced to turn over documentation to Congress about Iraq due to a Resolution of Inquiry filed by Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH). The Administration finally released to Congress the 12,000 page Iraqi declaration made to the United Nations on December 7, 2002.
Kucinich, Ranking Member of the Government Reform Subcommittee National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations, used a rare House procedure known as a Resolution of Inquiry, filed in the House on February 12, 2003, to pry the information out of the Administration.
“This is a small step forward in obtaining information that the Administration has deliberately withheld from the public and the Congress,” stated Kucinich. “This Administration has marched the nation, and the world, to the verge of war without revealing any evidence to this Congress or the American people to back up its war rhetoric. I will continue to oppose this unjustified war, and continue my efforts to ensure that this Administration reveals evidence, to the public, it may have before its sends the young men and women of the Armed Force into battle. I believe Congress, and the American people, deserve nothing less.”
In a concession by the Administration, the report will now be available for Members of Congress to view.
Kucinich plans to use the rules of the House to continue to push this Administration to lift its cloak of secrecy and allow the Congress, and the American people, see any evidence it may have to justify its preemptive attack against Iraq., March 19, 2003
On The Eve Of War: Kucinich Introduces A Bill To Nullify Use Of Force Resolution
Administration’s Case For War Based On Claims That Are ‘Untrue, Unfounded, Dubious or Disproven’
Today, as the President has forced our nation to the brink of war, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) offered a bill, H Con Res. 101, to nullify H.J. Res. 114, the Authorization for Use of Force in Iraq.
The bill states:
“Whereas, on the eve of an unprovoked military attack by the United States against the country of Iraq, the public is learning that the Administration’s rationale for commencing hostilities is based on a series of claims that are untrue, unfounded, dubious or disproven…Whereas, as a nation, the United States does not have grounds for launching a war against a country that poses no imminent or direct threat to us or our allies; Now, therefore be it resolved, That it is the Sense of the Congress that the October 10, 2002 Authorization for Use of Force in Iraq (H.J.Res 114) is null and void.”
Time and time again, the statements and accusations that this Administration has based its case for war on have been false or disproven. Despite misleading claims by the Administration, Iraq is not a nuclear threat. The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Mohamed El Baradei has said that there is no evidence of resumed nuclear activates in Iraq. And, despite numerous claims by the Administration that Iraq has ties with Al-Qaeda and the potential to share weapons of mass destruction with Iraq, its own CIA Director told Congress that this unlikely to happen.
“The President’s case for war is a sham,” stated Kucinich. “It is based on untrue, unfounded and disproven allegations. The Administration has repeated these untruths in order to whip sentiment to launch an unprovoked attack against Iraq. The country has been misled and deceived.”, March 27, 2003
Kucinich: This War is Wrong And Must End
Today, at a press conference on Capitol Hill, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), who leads opposition to the war in Iraq, issued the following statement:
“This Administration has never made its case for war against Iraq. It is an unjustified war, which the Administration continues to misrepresent and exaggerate. The most recent example is the Administration's characterization of international coalition support for this war.
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“This war must end now. It was unjust when it started last week, and is still unjust today. The U.S. should get out now and try to save the lives of American troops and Iraqi citizens. Most importantly, ending the war now and resuming weapons inspections could salvage world opinion of the United States, which has been deteriorating since the talk of war began. After all, the greatest threat to the United States at this time is terrorism, which is breeding from this war.”, May 1, 2003
Kucinich: The Administration’s Military Victory Is a Foreign Policy Failure
US Must Bring Troops Home Now; Bring In International Community
Tonight, aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, the President will address the nation and declare an end to the combat in Iraq. While the President will declare a military victory, it is clear that the war in Iraq is a diplomatic and foreign policy failure, stated Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) today.
Kucinich, Ranking Member of the Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations, issued the following statement today:
“Regardless of the outcome, the war in Iraq was wrong. While the United States has won a military victory in Iraq, the Administration never justified the war, rendering it a diplomatic and foreign policy failure.
“The Administration led America into a war based on false pretenses. Even today, as the President declares an end to combat, there is no credible evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. The main purpose of this war according to the Administration was to eliminate Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. These weapons, they said, posed an immediate and imminent threat to our nation and our allies, and could not be eliminated through international weapons inspectors. But now, the main justification for this Administration to go to war cannot be found.
“The Administration, with its policy in Iraq, has isolated the United States from the international community and threatens to make our country less safe not more safe.
“Bringing the troops home, and bring in the international community to assist with humanitarian reconstruction and security, must happen immediately. Rhetoric alone will not convince the world that United States is not occupying Iraq, especially since no weapons of mass destruction have been found and the U.S. has prioritized the rebuilding oil infrastructures instead of providing humanitarian assistance.”