that are screaming for an Flag Amendment!
It seems to me that those who get all fired up about misuse of the symbolism of the flag, are the first ones to misuse it.
How many times have we seen the Flag motif on such things as paper cups, paper plates, and napkins?
How many times have we seen people that sit their oversized butts into lawn chairs that have a Flag motif at a parade, and then refuse to move those butts out of that chair when the Color Guard goes by?
I have picked up scores of little flags that have blown off of cars, and I have spent many an hour in cemeteries, righting the little flags that sag by vet's graves. I do these things, because of a deep respect I have in my flag. I am as Progressive as they come, but the neo-cons have pilloried me as a radical. Well, I can see who really has the respect for our national symbols.
I would never die for a flag, but I would put my life on the line again, to protect what it stands for. those armchair "FAKE-riots' disgust me to no end. I had a to-do with a guy at a 4th of July get together here in town, because he grabbed a bunch of napkins with a flag motif, and was heading to the latrine! This guy was festooned with flags, Uncle Sam's and a fist full of stars, yet he was going to WIPE HIS ASS with the flag.:grr: :grr: :grr: :nuke:
Sorry, didn't mean to get all bent out of shape. But that noble banner, has draped many a coffin, some of them were my friends, all of them were my brothers and sisters in the military. I cannot allow those that rely on hypocrisy to stumble through life, to get away with soiling an important part of my life. I love my country, and I want it back, for all of us.
The 'W' that was cut out of that flag, described the individual to a tee; he is a W-uss.
:nopity: for that butt-nugget.
I've vented, I'm OK now. O8)