YOU with your unrelenting and obsessive slathering over taxes are the cause of our shitty roads, our failing schools, our unrelenting poverty, and our 40 MILLION citizens without even the most basic health care. YOU and your horrific greed are the cause of the UNIMAGINABLE budget deficit and failing economy.
With your almost exclusive ownership of the mass media, including but not limited to, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hanity, Bill O'Reilly, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Times, G. Gordon Liddy, Fox News, etc., etc., YOU are the root cause of the abject failure of rational political discourse in this country.
With your votes on the US Supreme Court, YOU are the cause of all that George W. Bush has wrought, including the unwarranted invasion of Iraq and the killing and maiming of tens of thousands of Iraqi men, women, and children. YOU are the reason the US is looked on with outright derision and hatred throughout a vast swath of the planet.
YOU and your philosophy of government is a breathtaking failure. YOU cause unrelenting and unbelivable suffering in this country and throughout the world.
YOU and YOU alone have done these things. YOU should be ashamed. All of you so-called conservatives and conservative enablers. Ashamed.
I'm sick of you ruining our country for your personal gain. You may have bamboozled enough of the citizenry with your fear mongering to keep power for 4 more years. Time will tell. However, there's LOTS of us on to you. There are more and more of us seeing the light every day. Soon, very soon, your cowardly, and morally bankrupt "governance" will be swept away in a cataclism of outrage and indignation.
The next time you look in the mirror take an extra moment and look at the eyes that stare back. See that extra "something" there? That's greed and selfishness looking back at you. Scary, huh?