He dealth with his major platform items.
I was surprised by his statement that it is time to decriminalize drugs since the so called war on drugs is failing (I know from personal experience it has failed) Given this is the third rail of US Polticis I was a tad surprised. Now the other item was going into detail over the National Health, and by the way people have to get educasted into what that means... most do not... when he says single payer.
In indiviual questions he adressed many a concern, including Israel, and from his anwer, he understands the complexity of the issue, even if the person asking probably did not. Yep, lets stop enabling, at least this is my take on it.
Now my question was one of International Law, I agree with Dennis that we need to bring the troops home... but under International Law we do have many obligations we have incurred... due to the invasion, so just leaving is not practical or possible... his answer on to how to transfer temporary sovereignty to the UN, and ultimately Iraqis, stoping the war profeetering and basically doing what we need, with the International Community to bring the troops, was heart warming. He understands, (but rarely goes into teh nitty gritty, I can understand why) that we need to bring the troops home but it is not just a matter of packing up and coming home. That eased a lot of my concerns.
By they way, if you want we can personally talk about it, send me an email or PM, I'll gladly do coffee... There was far more, and the DNC and I think Kucinich campaign, taped the whole thing. Bear in mind, my question came after the question period, I am glad he chose to take a question from a young kid asking about getting involved, instead of me or my hubby. We both asked hard questions. His had to to with Boyken and the Congress is presing the issue with the Good General who broke his oath.
And yes I got to press the flesh with the Congresman and that was an honor... he also has good taste in Aloha shirts
:toast: :toast: