Hmm I read Stephanie Coontz's book The Way We Never Were, in it she noted originally the word family meant a band of slaves.
A family today is defined as a hetero mother-father-kids.People in this culture are conditioned to accept a certain way of life, because unawares they've been conditioned to live like little islands,the public has been engineered to want seperate houses,cars,rooms,things. This social engineering has severed community ties.This unhealthy form of social individuation has fostered seperation from community.It has fostered a desire for privacy and a want of things .This was what the elites wanted out of the lower classes in the 1900's.The social engineering was a sucess,sadly.
The elites do this social engineering on people because they deeply fear poor,or lower class people of different races,classes,genders,sexual orientations getting together as freinds,companions and communitiers.They fear citizens turning to each other and turning away from the profit/wage system,becoming independant of the elites.The rich are horribly dependant on the labor,ignorance,unhapiness,fear,deprivation and obedience of the lowerclasses and they want us to forget that.The elites fear people becoming loyal and committed to one another instead of the state or company.
When people in the streets feel they know and trust one another solidarity and sharing comes with that too..Popular uprisings can occur when people band together once enough people are put out of work and are forced to talk to each other face to face enough to empathize and understand each other's plight,and they learn to not be so scared of the differences people have anymore.People can become radicalized,politicized and angry when they realize they are being exploited and they understand people suffer as they do.It's only a matter of time until someone says what are we to do about this?
The 'family" and the 'home' is the place where elites have made thier hegemony base the strongest. It is a belief in the sanctity of a particular definition of family imposed on the lower class and middle class that has been exploited by elite people for a long time.Eletes presidents and Ceos don't follow the definition of family that your typical citizen does. Beliefs of patriarchy have been used to reinforce hegemony over people's lives too.What would family look like if there was no king of the house? What person would learn how to unquestionably listen to the demands of political leader,boss or the church, if they never learned to accept the rule of father first?
Religion is a tool of elite hegemony too..So,of course Gay marriage is threat to elite hegemony it implies having children isn't as important as having a relationship,and Religion is all about controlling how you relate to others and to god.
Gay marriage psychologically undoes the underlying top down thinking, eugenics and social darwinism type engineering of society put forth in the 1900's to secure corporate hegemony and elite dominion over the masses.. Abortion is touted as evil because it's bad for business it short circuits the awful biological dependance women have on men and the dependance men and women have on the wage system that having a child creates.Having kids be an optional thing means people are not chained to the state and wage system by biology,guilt or tradition anymore.So women can't be dominated so easily by men and sex can't be controlled and forced into insane puritan forms (puritans brought us the work ethic too).
When average citizen america gets with the idea that legitamate familes can consist of more than mother-father-kids,and accept it..as a 'norm' then this re-definition opens the door to more communistic modes of living,when people redefine familiy to suit thier own needs and lives independant of what church or state says.It can either happen because of liberal enlightenment or nessecity.
Pooling resources is the opposite of ideas like profit or privatization where being feirce and exploitative ,competing,scheming, and becoming a master of winning internecine infighting is the backbone of'sucess'. Up until the 1970's it was a violation of food stamp rules to share food with a poor neighbor,even if it was baby formula,you could lose your food stamps if you had compassion for a hungry baby and shared what you had.
Today sharing has been co-opted by corporations,an industry of charities which make profits as it 'helps'.This is not real help that builds up communities because it requires nothing from us personally,when we help,we throw money at it,we can stay uninvolved impersonal and 'feel good' about it. Because we are conditioned to not get involved with other people around us we let other people fix what we should be fixing. It's because we really believe we are little compeating "kingdoms" (families). It's easier to think in terms of "families" because over time,the intimate ties and histories with our communities(and sometimes families) have been severed when we go everywhere chasing jobs, leave hometowns because of the closing of plants, we are in emotional effect without social supports,alone, rootless calling home to talk to mom via long distance watching the minutes.
Economic systems tend to dominate life, they don't care about human happiness,sanity or well being,they exist for maximixing profit for business.The psychological effect of this profit system and the mother-father-children definition of family and the myth that sucess means living "on your own two feet" makes it all the easier for corporations to exploit people and keep them afraid of each other's differences.Be it race, sexual orientation or whatever.