For decades now, NBC, ABC and CBS have pretended on election night to be in hot competition to project the "the winner and loser." We know the act well: Dan, Peter or Tom comes on the air and solemnly intones, "We can now project that President X is the winner in Florida."
As a viewer I imagined bespectacled analysts sweating in back rooms; perhaps 30 accountants nervously crunching numbers--all in an attempt to get their anchorman on the air first with the projected winner. But now we know it was all a hoax. For all of the networks (CNN included) have been getting the exact same numbers at the exact same time from the exact same source--from a company that the networks appear to own jointly: Voter News Service (VNS).
How reliable is VNS? In the Iowa Caucuses VNS worked with lightning speed, ostensibly assembling the results of over 2,000 caucus gatherings, analyzing the data and turning them over to the Associated Press which announced the winner exactly one minute after the caucuses had opened and clearly before even one vote had been cast! VNS employees are either prophets or the whole process smells like the anchovies on last week' s pizza.