I've only been on DU for about a year now, but it seems to me that the number one complaint DUers have is that Democrats are not willing to position themselves in stark contrast to the Republicans.
Take the Iraq War as an example: Everyone here bitches about the Iraq war vote, and even the recent vote to fund $89 billion for continuation of said war. We all complain that the "war on terrorism" is a farce and many seem to think Bush ought to be impeached over the lies he has used to bring us to war in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
So what candidates can be supported, given this view? Correct me if I am wrong here, but wasn't Kucinich the only one of the nine candidates who actually voted against the war? Then there is Dean, who has positioned himself as anti-war (and I like Dean, keep in mind)- but to be honest, it is one thing to say you would have voted against it and another thing to have actually been in the position of risking your political career to do so. Finally we have Clark, whose main beef seems to be not that we went to war, but just that we didn't do it the right way.
Then, if you look at progressive values, which it seems most DUers are in favor of. Things like alternative energy, universal health care, progressive taxation, closing corporate loopholes, and education. What candidate takes the most aggressive stance on these issues? It sure isn't ring-wing Lieberman and it sure isn't "toe the line" Clark. Edwards is big into the labor issues, but doesn't seem to address many of the others. Kerry's thing is alternative energy, but again, he holds pretty much the DLC point of view on everything else. Gephardt seems to be reasonably in favor of all of these issues, but still with the same caviate of not rocking the boat too much.
So who stands out as the champion of the anti-war message and the pro-progressive values platform? Dennis Kucinich.
He wants to create a "Department of Peace!" And don't forget, he organized 130 some odd members of the House to actually vote against the Iraq war, even though it was clearly not politically expedient for them to do so.
I can't see any other candidate doing anything more radical to "make war itself archaic", as DK likes to say. Furthermore, he is the *only* candidate to my knowledge that advocates cutting the Pentagon budget...and if he isn't the only one than he IS the only candidate that I BELIEVE when he says that.
Sorry this post is pretty much a rant, but there is a point: AREN'T WE HYPOCRITES HERE AT DU?! Here comes a guy who stands for everything we want the Democrats to stand for, who isn't afraid to stick his neck out for what he believes in. In short, everything DU has been clamoring for. And yet he has very little support here at DU. WHAT GIVES???
(Before you flame away: I am not necessarily a Kucinich supporter. At the moment I think Dean is my favorite because of his ability to change the image of the party and the way politics works as a whole. Thus, I am not a jealous Kucinich supporter who is just pissed off because my canddiate isn't winning.)