Edited on Mon Oct-20-03 05:29 PM by Mountainman
I live in a rural mountain community called Twin Oaks east of Bakersfield. We have a sort of newspaper or country reader called The Fence Post. It comes out once a month on the first of the month. The October edition, which came out just before the recall election, had a regular column called "kids talkin." They ask some kids in the local grade school a question and print their answers. The kids go to Piute Mountain School.
The question for October was:
Should Governor Davis be recalled? Why or why not?
The answers were as follows:
Amanda Herrera 8th grade, "I don't think there should be a recall. Gray Davis made the mess. He should fix it.
Nick Kenley, 8th grade, "I would have him recalled. California was doing fine paying back its debt. He messed up school activities."
Kara Wilbanks, 8th grade, "I think we should dump Gray Davis. He's a rat! He messed up California."
Chelsea Ryea, 6th grade, " I think he should be recalled. He made a lot of bad choices for our government."
Sequoia Parrott, 7th grade, "Gray Davis should be recalled. He did stuff he shouldn't have. He hurt out education."
Cody Park, 6th grade, "I think Gray Davis wasn't fair with us. I'd maybe vote for Arnold."
So where did these kids get their opinions?
Could they tell us just what exactly it was that Davis did that deserved recall?