Edited on Mon Oct-20-03 09:01 PM by DarkPhenyx
This is a point I want to make to those people who suported the invasion of Iraq. It's something that has botherd me since before the kickoff.
You think Bush was right. Fine.
You believe, even now, that Saddam had BioChem weapons in place and ready to use. Fine.
You believe that Saddam was going to sell them to terrorists so they could be used against the US. Fine.
I am not going to try and disuade you of those beliefs. It would be a useless effort and I try to not waste energy.
However, if you believe these things then you have to know this. There are now 100's of tons of BioChem weapons out in the world that are completely uncontrolled. They are even now winging their way into the black market, if they are not already there, and will in the hands of the very people we were trying to keep from getting them.
In other words, your hero, George W. Bush, the greatest coke snorting, alcoholic, flying butt monkey of all time, has done more to ensure that terrorists will have these weapons than any third world despot ever.
He has also done a better job of recruiting for al'Queda than OBL could ever have. He should be on every terrorist recruiting poster from now till Armegeddon.
Thank god he's making the world safer for us, right?