just a pointless, academic discussion...
ok- so some of us are really worried about the BBV issues. in a nutshell, electronic/computer voting is suspect, and it's at least possible and to some degree probable that our (left/democratic/progressive) votes aren't being counted. not all of them, all the time, that is. the fact that republican fundraisers *make* & *count* the voting machines/votes is no comfort, nor that the major republican lobby (military) is charged to "certify" that process. (there are threads on this, go look them up if you have to)
that said, i'm asking about what YOU think. when we speak about other, nonvoting issues like which candidate matters, or which issue defines us personally, how does BBV color our thinking? for me, it is a new issue, one that has altered the questions i ask about the actions of those i follow.
example: in the past, some have argued that motivating the southern african american vote is a good way to give democratic candidates a better chance at local and state offices. when black turnout is high, dem candidates win, so the logic goes.
but recently, high-turnout elections have *not* resulted in major dem victories. as a trend, this is something new, and has relevance in our discussions of voting/campaigning strategy.
knowing about BBV helps me understand recent elections: clealand, CA/davis, the TX mess. and other things as well, but i'll leave that aside.
what do YOU think about BBV and voting? how does it affect your logic about what we should do to prepare for 04?