Having a recent conversation with my dad's "conservative" friend "Chuck", I've come to the conclusion that most "conservatives" (at least in SW PA) are simply average Joes caught up in the corporate media propaganda.
You see "Chuck" is your average blue collar worker (a maintenance person for a school district) that listens to Oxyrush and believes that liberals are the cause for the downfall of society. Upon further questioning, "Chuck" comes across as a person with moderate/centrist/perhaps liberal leanings but he still thinks he is a conservative. "Chuck's" main issue is gun rights; as it is for most of the "conservatives" in SW PA. Chuck uses profanity, makes fun of Jesus freaks, and is not a racist. He belongs to a union, his kids went to pu blic high schools/universities, and he believes that the little guy is being shat upon by corporate America.
So my question is: Do you know a "Chuck"? Is there someone you know that bases all of their votes on guns and nothing else? Do you have a friend that says "Democrats want to take your guns"? When you present 45 alternatives, do they still bring up the gun issue? Can we convert "Chuck"?