On PBS tonight, there was a documentary about the rescue of POW's at Cabuntan in the Philippines in January, 1945. This was made in preperation for the release of the movie Ghost Soldiers, based on a book about the raid.
The Japanese, had violated every rule of law and common decency in their treatment of American and Filipino prisoners, starved them, beat them and then murdered them in cold blood. As soon as the Americans landed on Luzon, every effort was made to liberate POW's in Japanese hands. These were risky missions done at the margins. Any mistake, and the prisoners would die.
In late January, Mac Arthur's head of intelligence, Charles Willoughby proposed a raid on the Cabuntan camp. Selected to carry out this mission was the 6th Ranger Battalion, the only Ranger battalion in the Pacific, the others served in Europe and Italy. Accompaning them was the Alamo Scouts, a unit so secret that its existance wasn't revealed until after the war, and Filipino guerrillas. The Alamo Scouts was the 6th Army's recon unit. Of the 104 men who served in its ranks, none died in combat, a record unmatched in US history. The two units and the guerrillas marched 30 miles behind enemy lines and in a moonlight raid, rescued over 500 POW's and escaped back to American lines.
It was one of the great moments in American military history, and not widely known for decades.
When you think of the level of dedication and professionalism involved, compared to our more recent antics, it makes them all the more shameful: no discipline, no fire control, no respect from the locals. It is painful to watch and read when we can be so much better.
-- Steve Gilliard, Sept. 26, 2004
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Saddam Hussein called and wants to know where his weapons of mass destruction are. Listen Saddam, I already told you, I don't know. You’re going to have to call the White House on that one.
-- Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks, Sept. 24, 2003
So, Wesley Clark is running for president. Pretty amazing guy. Four star general, first in his class at West Point, supreme commander of NATO, saw combat in Vietnam, won the bronze star, silver star,
the purple heart for being wounded in battle. See, I'm no political expert, but that sounds pretty good next to choking on a pretzel, falling off a scooter and dropping the dog.
-- Jay Leno, Sept. 23, 2003 (via BartCop)
The general modus operandi of the Bushies is that they don't make policies to deal with problems. They use problems to justify things they wanted to do anyway.
-- Paul Krugman, Sept. 10, 2003 (as quoted by our good friemds at Corrente)
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