was founded by Ben Cohen, Co-founder, Ben and Jerry’s. It is a grassroots education and advocacy project of Priorities, Inc., a non-profit, non-partisan, tax-deductible, 501(c)(3) corporation.
Once you register, you can go to our "Take Action" section and send faxes on on the issues we all care about to members of Congress and national leaders.
If you want to be a part of this movement, just fill out the form to the right and we'll sign you up. The amazing part is that it only takes two minutes a month and it's free. Here's how TrueMajority works:
We monitor what's going on in Washington based on the principles of peace, justice, and sustainability.
When your voice counts we send you a short email alert that explains the situation.
If you choose to send a fax to your Congresspeople, just click "Reply" to the email alert and "Send." Our technology then will generate a fax from you to your Congresspeople. That's it.
There are over 50 million of us that share these concerns but we've ended up fragmenting ourselves because each of us can only concentrate on one or two issues. Or for some of us, we've just felt powerless. The TrueMajority has already brought together over 325,000 of us, making us a powerful force in the Capital.
I hope that you will join us. Just fill in the form on this page.
Thanks for helping,
Ben Cohen*
Cofounder, Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream
TrueMajority Principles: 1. Attack poverty and world hunger as if our life depends on it. It does.
2. Champion the rights of every child, woman & man.
3. End our obstructionism to the world's treaties.
4. Reduce our dependence on oil and lead the world to an age of renewable energy.
5. Close the book on the Cold War and ease the nuclear nightmare.
6. Renounce Star Wars and the militarization of space.
7. Make globalization work for, not against, working people.
8. Ensure equal treatment under law for all.
9. Get money out of politics.
10. Close the gap between rich and poor kids at home.