Edited on Wed Oct-22-03 04:01 AM by SoCalDem
Think about it..
We obsess to the point of making ourselves physically ILL, and yet, no matter who gets elected (selected), things will never really change much.
The battles we are fighting are the same ones we have fought for 50 years.
A large precentage of our population still thinks they are "better than others" because of skin color, education,lifestyle,gender-identification, or even job classification.
Most of us know in our gut, that the health care options we have today are not viable over the long term, and a majority of the population believes that as residents of the "richest country on earth", it should be our RIGHT to have decent healthcare..
Most of us know , that women's reproduction is NOT the business of a cadre of old men who sit around naming post offices and state birds, most of the time, but who get all lathered up when they have an opportunity to legislate a little feminine "disciplinary legal action".
Most of us know that a superior public education should be a birthright, and that whatever it costs, is a bargain to have educated young people, who can pick up where we leave off.
Most of us know that a living wage SHOULD be a given , in the "richest country on earth"..
Most of us know that being friends with our co-inhabitants on this planet is infinitely cheaper and healthier than constant war with those who dare to see things another way..
Most of us know that the fat cats on wall street never really intended to "share" their wealth with us, and that they would repeatedly screw us out of our life savings every generation..
Most of us know that clean air and water should be a birthright, and those who deliberately or carelessly spoil it, deserve a special place in Hell (if you believe in Hell)...
Most of us know that the legal system is and always has been the stomping grounds of the rich and famous, and the underlings have little chance for real justice...or any justice..
Most of us know that corporations are not the benevolent "job providers" that they have portrayed themselves as, for all these years..
Most of us know that social security and medicare money is what has kept this country afloat for many years, and that when the next batch of people reach 65, they will have the rug pulled out from under them, even though they have faithfully paid into the system for their whole lives..
Most of us know that our taxes that we pay are magically converted into slush funds for the super-rich, while we are told that we are greedy for expecting services in exchange for those taxes we paid..
Most of us know that no matter how hard we work, or how hard we try, we will not advance to the upper levels, because the caste system is alive and well in America..
We know that the sons and daughters of the rich and well-connected will not spill blood on foreign land..
We also know, deep down that when we vote, our vote only matters for that split second when we pull the lever or fill in the box or touch the screen.. After that, we only hope that the vote gets assigned to the person we chose..
We know that what we are told or shown by the press and media, is what the government wants us to know, and we are suspect if we seek out more than that..
We know that the first amendment is supposed to guarantee us "free speech", but free speech only matters when others can hear what we say, and without millions of dollars, we often speak into an echo chamber, populated by ourselves, alone...
Whoever gets elected, may have the best of intentions, but until the whole system is purged of the hubris and self-serving greed, these "issues" will never be resolved..
Our country is being run by a pack of thieves.. Republican thieves, Democratic thieves, fundamentalist thieves, corporate thieves, military thieves, and religious thieves..
Our mothers taught us to share, but apparently someone threw Momma from the train, and we are careening down the tracks, hanging on for dear life.. We are always hoping for the saviour president or senator to rescue us, but I just don't see it happening. Money speaks with the loudest voice, and virtue is but a whisper. The sheer number of legislators in DC pretty much dictates that the ideals of our country's foundation will never resurface.. For every ddecent legislator we manage to get elected, there are 50 contrarians who will breathe their last breath fighting programs to benefit the common man..
Our success as a country, actually became our downfall. We have become such a behemoth, that we can no longer even reach consensus. There are so many issues and so many different points of view, that we can discuss, debate and legislate forever, without ever solving any problems we have.. That is the beauty of the government, as seen through a legislator's eyes.. They don't really have to DO anything; they just have to LOOK like they are doing something. The pained look on their faces when they go before the cameras, lamenting the fact that no matter how hard they tried, they just couldn't "get it done", is the same look, whether Democrat or Republican..
It's all just a shell game, and we can never pick the correct shell, because there is no pea....