Theoden, Lord of the Rings-The Two Towers
My newfound friends I am filled with such despair today. The one party rule of this formerly great country strikes us with blow after blow. They seem to have us in their clutches and I am unsure that normal political processes can overcome this quasi-fascist state. Cases in point: the ban on partial birth abortions. Hell, I'm not even hardcore pro-choice, but all the dems wanted, even the most liberal was a provision for the life of the mother. The repugs said no. Rather than create the bill in a bipartisan way they decided to play dirty politics with it. Now, the law will be tied up in the courts and the dems get to fight on the pro-choice side giving the GOP the ability to say "see these evil people want to kill live babies". They have left us with no way to win and they know it. Then, of course, this morning I turn on NPR and here depressing story after depressing story, not because NPR wants me to kill myself, but because that's all there is. First a report on what seemed like a small democratic victory, making $10 billion of the 87 a loan with many repugs jumping ship. This is followed by repug leaders in the house and the senate saying they'll do whatever it takes to get * whatever he wants. I have no doubts about this. Heaven forbid anything stand in the way of the great unravelling. Then a report on rising college tuitions brought about, as any sane person can see, by states in budget crisis. So do the repugs look to help? No, they decide the answer is to freeze wages and, of course, to limit course offerings. Lets see...what courses do you think the repugs might do away with? I'll say...anything critical of them. Next step, blacklisting non-compliant professors and of course bookburning. Does anyone really think that we can beat the repugs in '04 by playing by the rules?
You know, as a student of WWII german history I often wonder why the average german didn't do more to stop the 3rd Reich from triumphing. How could they let it happen. It seems we will get to watch it happen first hand.
I apologize for bumming you out and of course for any accidental errors. If any of you feel like throwing me any hope I'll gladly take it. Right now I simply don't know how my family won't wind up in another country in the next couple of years. Peace.