DUDE, WHERE'S MY COUNTRY? by Michael Moore. (Warner, $24.95.) The author of "Stupid White Men" calls for "regime change" in Washington. 1 2 WHO'S LOOKING OUT FOR YOU? by Bill O'Reilly. (Broadway, $24.95.) The host of "The O'Reilly Factor" attacks those individuals and institutions that he believes have let down the American people. 2 3
3 LIES (AND THE LYING LIARS WHO TELL THEM), by Al Franken. (Dutton, $24.95.) A satirical critique of the rhetoric of right-wing pundits and politicians. 1 8 4 EVERY SECOND COUNTS, by Lance Armstrong with Sally Jenkins. (Broadway, $24.95.) The second memoir by the five-time winner of the Tour de France. 1
5 FLYBOYS, by James Bradley. (Little, Brown, $25.95.) An account of eight American airmen who were shot down and captured by the Japanese in World War II. 3 2
6 BUSHWHACKED, by Molly Ivins and Lou Dubose. (Random House, $24.95.) Two Texas journalists offer up an indictment of the Bush administration. 6 3 7 MADAM SECRETARY, by Madeleine Albright with Bill Woodward. (Miramax, $27.95.) A memoir by the former secretary of state and ambassador to the United Nations. 5 4 8 THE GREAT UNRAVELING, by Paul Krugman. (Norton, $25.95.) A volume of essays, most from The New York Times, that are "mainly about economic disappointment, bad leadership and the lies of the powerful." 8 5 9 PERSECUTION, by David Limbaugh. (Regnery, $27.95.) The author of "Absolute Power" argues that "liberals are waging war against Christianity." (+) 10 3
10 THROUGH THE LENS. (National Geographic Society, $30.) A collection of photographs from National Geographic. 1
11 SHUT UP & SING, by Laura Ingraham. (Regnery, $27.95.) The political commentator attacks the "elites" of Hollywood, Washington and New York. (+) 7 4
12 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, by Walter Isaacson. (Simon & Schuster, $30.) A biography of the scientist, inventor, writer and Revolutionary statesman. 11 15
13 AFTER LIFE, by John Edward with Natasha Stoynoff. (Princess, $23.95.) The television personality and professed psychic offers "answers from the other side." 9 6
14 WHO'S YOUR CADDY? by Rick Reilly. (Doubleday, $24.95.) A sportswriter recounts his experiences caddying for (among others) Jack Nicklaus, David Duval, Bob Newhart and Deepak Chopra. 14
15 THE BURNING TIGRIS, by Peter Balakian. (HarperCollins, $26.95.) A history of the Armenian genocide and the United States' response to it. (+) 4 2
16 *HEART FULL OF LIES, by Ann Rule. (Free Press, $26.) The story of Liysa Northon, who in the fall of 2000 killed her husband while on a camping trip in Oregon. 1
Also Selling
17 A SHORT HISTORY OF NEARLY EVERYTHING, by Bill Bryson. (Broadway, $27.50.) First Chapter
18 GOOD TO GREAT, by Jim Collins. (HarperBusiness, $27.50.)
19 STUPID WHITE MEN, by Michael Moore. (ReganBooks/HarperCollins, $24.95.)
20 LIVING HISTORY, by Hillary Rodham Clinton. (Simon & Schuster, $28.)