One was an exchange between Wolf Blitzer and Commerce Secretary Don Evans on Late Edition With Wolf Blitzer.
BLITZER: And we're almost out of time, but you did come back -- you were there ostensibly for the unveiling of the currency, the Iraqi currency that's come out. And I want to show our viewers...
EVANS: Well, it just occurred while I was there, but I have an old Saddam bill that has his picture on the face and the war memorial on the back. And then the new bill, that has a tractor on the front and a woman harvesting wheat in the field.
The women now have power over there, Wolf. I mean, I sat down with women entrepreneurs that they said...
BLITZER: So the fact that they have a woman on the currency, you're suggesting that this opens the door for a new Iraq?
Now that doesn’t look like much on it's face. But you had to see it
EVANS:(Holding Up Old Iraqi Currency To Camera)
Well, it just occurred while I was there, but I have an old Saddam bill that has his picture on the face and the war memorial on the back.(switches to new currency) And then the new bill, that has a tractor on the front and a woman harvesting wheat in the field.
(Blitzer Grabs Note Away From Evans And Starts To Examine)
The women now have power over there, Wolf. I mean, I sat down with women entrepreneurs that they said...
BLITZER:(Holding Note and With A Look Of Disgust On His Face) So the fact that they have a woman on the currency, you're suggesting that this opens the door for a new Iraq?
(With A Look Of Disgust On His Face, Blitzer, throws note on table)
It was very telling. You could see the disbelief on Wofies face. The only thing I would have added is... But Mr. Secretary Iraq was the most liberal nation in the ME with regards to women’s rights.