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Melbourne IndyMedia photos of anti-bush protests

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protect freedom impeach bush now Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-22-03 04:44 PM
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Melbourne IndyMedia photos of anti-bush protests
Edited on Wed Oct-22-03 04:46 PM by protect freedom impe

think this is my favorite one ....



MORE photos.....


Bush in Australia... nobody showed up.
by Yvgrvny, Thursday October 23, 2003 at 03:52 AM

Arriving at the airport, accompanied by a squad of helicopters, fighter jets, 100 special forces units and the usual entourage of VIPs and hangers-on, it was all geared up to be a big occassion.

GW DownUnder.

The plane lands.. The CIA guy gives the all-clear. Stepping off the luxury jet surrounded by security guards, GWBush peered out into the glaring Aussie sun and looked around. An anti-terrorist helicopter and a fighter-jet whizz overhead. Apart from that it seems strangely quiet. George looks around again.. "Where the hell is everyone?" Just then a little voice called out from afar... "G-G-George... over here George! I-I-Its me! Johnnie! You know - the deputy Sheriff!" Bush looks across at the approaching figure. "Oh, hi there .... er what was your name again?" "J-John - Johnnie Howard... remember ? We did the Iraq thing together?" Bush looks at him again. "Oh yeah! Hahaaha, tricked ya didn't I Ronnie? Thought I'd forgoten your name eh? I'd never forget a mate like you!" Howard smiles, a pleased look on his face.. " Errr thanks George, yeah, fair dinkum! Welcome to Down Under!" They step through into the airport lounge and are hussled into a waiting government car. The convoy moves off and George looks out the window. " Hey Ronnie, there's something weird goin on here." Howard looks questioning at him..." er w-w-wwhats that George?" " There's no crowds! Where is everyone? Where's all the adulating crowds? And the protesters? Where the hell are they?"
Howrd looks out the window and an embarressed look comes over his face... " D-d-don't worry George, maybe they're planning a big surprize for ya. Yeah that must be it! It's the Aussie sense of humour.. you know." They finally arrive at the hotel... still no crowds.. not even a camera man. An hour passes... GW looks out the window of the luxury suite, and then looks at Howard again... "Now look here Ronnie, you know where best mates and all that... but i gotta say, this is damned strange. Don't they know who I am? Not even a single protester!! What the hell is wrong with you people?" Howard gives a nervous laugh... "Nah.. don't worry George they'll be here! They just got stuck in the traffick. Yeah thats it! The traffick in Canberra is hell at peak-hour! Give em time.... lets have some dinner eh?"
After a long dinner and a couple of beers they're now ready for the Parliamentary Conference. Out the door and into another limo... the streets are empty.. apart from a solitary kangaroo jumping across the road. " Now what the hell is going on here Ronnie!!? I thought we were mates?" "Errr, waddya mean George, come on, we are mates aren't we? Fair dinkum mates!" GW looks increasingly angry. "Well is this any way to treat a friend? I come all the way over here to this ass-end of the earth... for what? It's no way to traet a friend ya know!! Don't anyone care here? Don't they know who I am? Ahhh forget this... this is cr*p." He gives Howard a shove and he falls out the door onto the road. "Come on driver, lets go... back to the airport... this place is no fun." As the driver puts the limo into top gear and picks up speed he looks into the rear-view mirror. GW looks around at the receding figure... appears to be yelling something......."George...George...come on George.... we're mates aren't we? aww c-ccome on... come back... I'll get some crowds for ya! I promise George....!"

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SoCalDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-22-03 04:45 PM
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1. LOVE the first one
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Cha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-22-03 04:49 PM
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2. Whoa! I love it, too!

We gotta make some signs like that for the repuke convention!
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FlemingsGhost Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-22-03 05:22 PM
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3. kick...
In honor of that fantastic sign, and our Aussie comrades.
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