the end of the Vietnam War, presidents have worried that their military actions would lose support once the public glimpsed the remains of U.S. soldiers arriving at air bases in flag-draped caskets........
.........Gee, I can't imagine why, can you?
Other than granting privacy to the grieving relatives, one could argue that allowing reporters to cover returning dead could potentially weaken the country's resolve for fighting.
If the war in question were a "just" war, a war for national survival, I might not have a problem with that. However, I've yet to become aware of ANY war the United States has been involved in since 1865 (excluding WW II, I could even argue that THAT war didn't threaten our survival - anyway, I digress) that meets that standard.
Instead, what we have had are wars, military actions, police actions, call them what you will, fought under false pretenses (i.e. the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming, War on Terror) that served the economic interests of a certain few at the expense of the many for unjust causes. This above all else is why "Presidents have worried" what the country's reaction might be.