Yes, the extreme policies and actions of Bush* and company have created lots of liberals. But, no, those gains have been offset by the "tough" stand that Bush* has taken, which tends to gain supporters, particularly young men, in the US. For example, new polls show that college students approve of Bush* more than anyone (61% approval). They are young, uneducated, raised on Hollywood macho films, and taught that being tough and punishing works. Of course it does not, as many of us know. Bush's* actions only make the world a worse place and create immense problems for the US to overcome in the future. I hate to be pessimistic, but like you I believe that Bush* probably will be re-selected in 2004. The US has become markedly conservative, people are genuinely afraid of terror, they wrongly believe that changing leaders now would make them less safe, the electoral college gives small states far more voting umph, and the rigged machines and other voting irregularities favor repugs. Ahnold is a case in point. California is one of the most Democratic states, but could not stop the zeal to elect a sexual harrasser.