"Saddam Hussein didn't kill 3,100 people on Sept. 11. Osama bin Laden did, and as far as we know he's still alive. There's no question ... he has significant stocks of chemical and biological agents. I think we have to assume that if he knows we're coming ...he'll do everything he can to use them.
That's the only risk ...it's an issue the president has to address."
-- Our last elected (and smartest) president - twice-elected without an appointment by his daddy's crooked Supreme Court Judges
Rumsfeld Blows Administration's Cover,
Says He Sees No Link Between Iraq, 9-11
The Guardian (UK) reports: "Defense Secretary Rumsfeld said Tuesday he had no reason to believe that Saddam Hussein had a hand in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. At a Pentagon news conference, Rumsfeld was asked about a poll that indicated nearly 70% of respondents believed the Iraqi leader probably was personally involved. 'I've not seen any indication that would lead me to believe that I could say that,' Rumsfeld said. He added: '...e know of various other activities. But on that specific one, no, not to my knowledge.' The Bush administration has asserted that Saddam's government had links to al-Qaida. And in various public statements over the past year or so administration officials have suggested close links. Vice Resident Cheney said on Sunday, for example, that success in stabilizing and democratizing Iraq would strike a major blow at the 'the geographic base of the terrorists who have had us under assault for many years, but most especially on 9/11.'"