So, I am at a crossroads. As time winds down, I am feeling the need to start finalizing an opinion on the nominee. Granted, I will support ABB - even (sigh) Lieberman.
Here's where I am at so far: Dean - I really, really want to like him. I agree with him on most of the issues. I think he has definite presidential qualities, I would vote for him in a heartbeat over *. But, there is something - can't quite put my finger on, that gives me pause...
Clark - Of course the idea of seeing a 4-star General in a debate with the shrub is very appealing. Of course the idea that his experience trumps the "National Security" issue is appealing. He seems very presidential, even-tempered, and intelligent. There is still a small sense of doubt, again, nothing obvious.
Kerry - I was initially on the Kerry bandwagon until he made some comments that really ticked me off. I'm starting to come around and warm up to him again. I don't like that he seems kinda wishy-washy at times, seems to always want to have things both ways. I do recognize this is often a political necessity. I think he is perhaps the most "presidential" of the candidates, at least in terms of presentation and delivery. His VietNam experience, like Clark, is something that will make for a lively debate with *.
Sharpton - Gotta love Al for his quick wit and humor. Love his stand on most issues. Kinda hesitant about electing a Reverend. More hesitant about his lack of experience and some of the bones in his closet. Most hesitant about him being able to beat * in a general election.
Gephardt - Gephardt strikes me as honest, hardworking, and a generally nice guy. I think he caves in too quickly, as he did on the Iraq vote. I appreciate his values and his stand on most issues. I think if he is the nominee - he will be "Gored".
None of the others make my list, so here's a quick word on them. Not meant to bash, just calling it how I see it.
Edwards - Liked him at first, don't think he's ready. Way too supportive of the Iraq war.
Braun - Not ready for prime-time, IMHO. A charming woman with an obvious warm heart.
Kucinich - On many issues, he is strong. He is too wild, IMHO. Some may appreciate this scrappiness, but it will not bode well in a general election.I do not believe he can beat Bush.
Lieberman - That voice... Sorry, had to be said. Also, the constant religious references(and I'm Jewish) really gets to me. Oh yeah, and the fact that he's a DINO on most issues. And the Iraq thing.
Mix it up, peeps! But, mainly, I want to know who else is undecided, which way you're leaning, etc. and not hear a bunch of pitches from all the Pro-this-guy or that-guy people. I've heard them all before, and I'm still undecided.