I believe in economic and social justice and equality of opportunity for all. I also believe that you can not selectively apply your principles, otherwise they are worthless and your positions are unreliable to others.
Applying these principles,
I believe in a woman's right to choose; The DLC line that abortion should be "safe legal and rare" pretty much sums it up for me.
I support civil unions.
I believe in international trade, but only if informed by these principles. Regular people, our communities, small businesses, and our futures must be taken into consideration when deciding on how to apply massive economic forces which affect everyone.
I believe the current trade agreemments are hurting our communities and leading to broken families and unsupervised children. The good jobs are going, and the replacement jobs don't cover the mortgage. Many parents now work 2 or even 3 jobs to make ends meet. Underemployment--while not tracked officially--is, I believe, at an all-time high. Unemployment in many counties in Pennsylvania is over 10% and growing.
I believe we should limit minimum wage to people between the ages of 14-18, and we should introduce a "living wage".
While this is a state and not a national issue, it relates to the national economy: I believe gambling is a bandaid and not a structural solution to Pennsylvania's economic problems. Using the emotional issue of education to sell gambling to parents is morally wrong. The idea of using gambling to fund education is the clearest example of the need for campaign finance reform in Pennsylvania. Gambling should be able to stand on its own; I personally don't think Pennsylvania needs the associated social problems gambling introduces.
Fix the trade issue and you fix the funding issue.
I being up gambling because it points to the problems the tax cuts for the wealthy and the expenditure in Iraq bring to States and communities. The tax cuts meant cuts in services like unemployment services while unemployment rises, cuts in fire and police services when first responders are critical in an era of terrorism, and cuts in education and related services when education is supposedly so important to our country.
I believe the budget should reflect our values. We should repeal the tax cuts for the wealthy and fully fund education.
Every child in this country deserves the opportunity for a great education. Define what a great education is and then fund it.
Every American deserves adequate, reliable health care.
Seniors should not have to choose between taking their medications and eating. Sadly this is the case is much of America. Drug companies are completely out of control with their pricing, and our lawmakers have shown no backbone in dealing with them. These companies have had their chance and I believe it is time for a radical change. We should not tolerate the compromising of our nation's health for the sake of exorbitant profits. When it comes to improving the human condition, I believe corporations do not act in our interest if there is a profit to be made. Next month I will release a proposal calling for a single-payer health care system that keeps competition and the free market where it's important (research, innovation), levels the playing field, reduces cost for businesses, and covers every American. I will also release a proposal that deals with the prescription drug industry that preservces innovation while cutting the cost of prescription drugs to cost plus 35%.
I believe Affirmative Action is vital and useful, and that framing it as "racial preference" misses the point, and is at best a veiled attempt to allow racist behavior to go unpunished.
I believe in every American's right to participate in democracy, and the responsibility of poilitical parties and government to encourage and nurture this participation--not for their own sake or perpetuation, but for the sake of democracy itself.
I believe Ashcroft's Patriot Act is an outright attack on American principles and civil liberties, and I do not trust those who voted for it. Those who had the backbone to vote against it, I applaud. It is one of the main reasons I am running. I am scared to death of legislation like this and fear for my country when Democrats cave in so easily to attacks on our freedoms. My opponents voted for this.
I believe the vote to invade Iraq was wrong because we had not exhausted all possible avenues, because there was no clear threat, and because it was a blank check to Bush for his policy of unilateral, preemptive military intervention based on a perceived threat. It is not a policy one can apply to North Korea or China very well. Nor is giving this administration the power to define "perceived threat" wise in any way. My opponents voted for this.
I believe human rights--which are American rights--promote democracy and democratic behavior, and efforts to promote human rights should be supported worldwide. I still can't believe I have been atacked for this...welcome to politics.
I believe we can get to an America that is fair, full of opportunities and promise--the America I know you and I envision. I also believe you can't get there without plans, so I've been working hard on them. Debt Relief for Students, expanded National Service opportunities, $100 billion of investment in R&D in technology, bio-tech, and other industries, and I believe we should invest heavily in a "moonshot" type program to dcevelop and productize alternative energy sources so we can remove oil from our foreign policy equation (this is not my idea--it's a union idea and a great one). We have so much power to do good in this country. I believe each of us has good will within us, we just lack the collective good will. I'm trying to be a part of catalyzing that collective good will.
Thank you for listening.
Charlie Crystle