I have to say this is one of the most bizarre posts I have ever seen from a freeper at free republic. I knew the site was home to extreme republicans and libertarians, but obviously they are attracting people even more to the fringe. Hopefully this will continue to relegate them even more so to minority status.
Apparently this guy believes the following:
He's a monarchist
He will support any government - even a dictatorship - so long as they recognize god. ("God is with us" Hitler would probably be a fave of his... oh and of course the god must be HIS god - same stupiditiy as the "my god is bigger" general)
Oh of course he's a "patriot"
He believes the colonists should have never rebelled against England. (isn't that grounds to be banned at free republic?) Of course god appointed the king, and he was the rightful ruler. But what's done is done.
The founders based the constitution on the ten commandments/bible.
He's against "libertinism" - whatever that is. It's too different to be a typo for libertarianism or liberalism.
So yes, a right wing monarchist. The freak show of free republic continues.
Here is the post
"God gave us these unalienable rights and they can never be taken from us by man or government.
This idea is the keystone in the archway of just government. Although I am philosophically a monarchist, I will support any government — popular, hereditary, or even authoritarian — that recognizes the above principle. Any government that does not acknowledge the fact that the God of Chrstians and Jews is the Supreme Source of Authority, justice, law, and human rights is doomed to become a tyranny — some sooner, some later. Without the explicit recognition of that Power beyond human power that created human beings in His image, there can be no human rights in any society, for the very concept of human rights derives from the religious belief that the individual human person is sacred and as such must be respected.
This is why I am a patriot. Although I believe that rebellion against the legitimate government of the United Kingdom was both a mistake and an unchristian rejection of the authority God had appointed for the people of the Colonies, the historical fact is that the rebellion happened, and that of all the many rebellions against authority that have occurred over the centuries, ours was by comparison the least democratic and the most benign. Not for our Fathers any notions of atheistic (and therefore baseless) “Fundamental Rights of Man”; the United States of America may have been founded on the shifting sands of Enlightenment philosophy, but unlike the republicans whose Godless revolution turned France into a charnel-house, the founders of our revolutionary state tempered their zeal for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness with an explicit and unabashed acknowledgement of the Rock upon which all life, liberty, and happiness are founded, namely Almighty God. For this reason – her acknowledgemment of the Divine origin of all human rights and liberties — the United States has been a force for Goodness in the world. We will remain so for as long as that connection remains unsevered. Should, however, a “wall of separation” ever be constructed between God and State, should the atheists, materialists, and apostates among us succeed in divorcing our government from its fundamental Judeo-Christian ethic — she will cease to be so, and will in time become merely another tyranny.
Mr. Robinson, though I do not share your republican politics — or, indeed, the politics of the average FR member — as a loyal American I respect your love of country and devotion to her traditions. With the passage of time, as the world’s days grow ever more dark, we conservatives — monarchist, republican, and authoritarian — must join forces and stand against the forces of atheism, libertinism, and those who seek to destroy everything we hold dear. Thank you for providing a forum where conservatives of every stripe — even monarchists like me! — may discuss, debate, and organize in response to the machinations of the infernal powers and principalities against whom we all war."