Edited on Fri Oct-24-03 06:10 AM by rasputin1952
The one thing that seperates the US from all other nations is it's diversity. No other nation in the history of the earth has had the diverse cultures that the US enjoys.
The saving grace of the US is in its diversity; but that diversity can also be a constant bane, as each group, no matter how hard it cries for acceptance, still reverts to its core.
The Fundies are a relatively small entity, that seems large because it is so vociferous. They get the lions share of the limelight, but that in no way determines just how strong they are as a cohesive group. Just like the GOP, they talk a good streak, but when it comes down to brass tacks, they ultimately fail in their endeavors. They become too radical in their conservatism and people just plain get sick of the notion of stagnation.
Since the Fundies basically have their own notion of what Christianity is, and that notion is flawed from the begining, they have little option but to fail in their quest for domination. Most of the most vociferous of them have little concept of true Christianity, and use the religion to cover their own faults and fears. If they actually took the time to read and understand what was taught, they would have a completely different view of how things ought to be. Long lost in the Fundy ideology is tolerance and forgiveness. Long lost is the quest for knowledge and the realization that what Christ spoke of most often was hypocrisy and the problems that come along with it.
We will not become a theocracy, we will remain free to believe, or not believe as we see fit. There will be a certain amount of pressure to conform toi the bigoted views of many religions and philosophies, but resistance to such pressure is part of the American psyche. Theocracy threatens Freedom, and even the Ashcrofts of the world are too often shown to be the threats to the Freedom we know and love.
Pretty soon, I believe we will regain our rights to dignity and a government that accepts its responsibility to its citizens.
edited: darn spelling again, I need COFFEE!